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(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
(Mar 04, 2010)
First Test Labs for Next-Generation Internet Protocol (IPv6) Are Accredited
Posted by: Jordi on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 04:34 PM
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The first two laboratories have recently completed accreditation to provide testing services for the USGv6 Program. The USGv6 Program, developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), provides the basis for expressing U.S. government requirements for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) technologies and for testing that commercial products meet those requirements. The availability of commercial testing services is an important step towards the U.S. government’s use of USGv6 acquisition tools, beginning in July 2010.
Complete info at Newswise, Physorg and 7th Space.